How the Hanoverian stallion, who was intended to be a grand prix mount, became a hunter derby specialist for Ashley Arnoldt.
Equine Ownership
A checklist of valuable experiences and important skills your youngster needs to learn before mounted work begins.
The following exclusive excerpt is from 'The Horses Who Made Me' by Alizeé Froment, an international Grand Prix competitor.
A look at where and why ration balancers, performance/life-stage feeds, and complete feeds can be used in your feeding program.
Some physiological and psychological reasons for a horse’s deteriorating performance, and why we might miss some red flags.
Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis is one of the most commonly-diagnosed neurologic diseases in horses, with full recovery often a challenge.
Horse owners are resigned to the fact that warmer weather comes with a price to pay: rain, mud and mountains of shedding hair.
A bowed tendon or similar ligament damage can be frustrating for horse owners, but there is a path to recovery.
Equine nutritionists are increasingly skeptical of the 'quick fix' offered by companies performing analyses and selling nutrition products.
It’s that time of year again, so put on your best hair-repellent breeches and give these tips a try on your horse.