We love our senior citizens of the equine community. Keeping up with their changing needs as they age becomes easy with the resources available from Equine Guelph. Learning to advocate for the health and welfare of your silent senior is a duty every horse owner will eventually encounter. A great place to check your preparedness is with Equine Guelph’s free interactive healthcare tool for September –  the Senior Horse Challenge.

A super-quick 20-question quiz will test your current knowledge on early intervention for health challenges, pain recognition, potential management changes and more common concerns. Available on Equine Guelph’s education platform, TheHorsePortal.ca, the Senior Horse Challenge is kindly sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Canada.

As horses are living longer, maintaining their health and well-being is imperative for their quality of life,” says Randy Trumpler, Equine Business Unit Director at Boehringer Ingelheim. “This online tool and The Senior Horse course offered by Equine Guelph are great resources that provide practical ways to prepare for your horse’s golden years.”
