online attracted a great many foreign buyers. After the fifth edition on Tuesday night a major part of the collection of showjumping horses will go abroad. The 5-yr-old Kazelli VDL (Arezzo VDL x Indoctro) went for 39,000 euro as the auction topper and will leave for the USA. Mario Everse and Alan Waldman can look back at another successful auction. “With realistic prices for everyone’s taste, we sold them from 5,500 euro onwards.”

Italian entry

Sale-topper Kazelli VDL.

The fifth was another low-threshold occasion for buying a 2-yr-old or older showjumping horses. “It came as no suprise that Kazelli VDL would be the most expensive one. But it is a remarkable story. The selling Italians had once bought one at our auction and now wanted to sell a horse through our channel. We made a selection on the basis of videos sent to us and had Kazelli VDL come over to the Netherlands. This is a good development, because also the market in Italy is quiet as a result of the Coronavirus. And she is a very interesting showjumping horse. She is bound to jump Grand Prix in the future. I would have liked her for myself,” Mario Everse admits.

Four to the USA

Kazelli VDL, born at VDL Stud, is a full sister of the 8-yr-old Hilfiger VDL, sold to Jan Tops and placed at international 1.40m level. In all, four horses were sold to the USA, including the 3-yr-old stallion Floris R Z (For Pleasure x Hors la Loi II) for 25,000 euro and the 3-yr-old Ciao Bello (Comilfo Plus x Inshallah de Muze) for 19,500 euro.

Go-Go to China

The 9-yr-old, already placed at 1.45m level, by the name of Go-Go (Cardento x Lux) will leave for China for only 23,000 euro. “True, that was less than hoped for, but auction are about selling and getting rid of your stock. That is the main point of departure. One horse will go for a little less than anticipated, another for more than expected. When you organise an auction, you have to take it all together and the result was quite satisfactory. Of course, some horses did not get sold, but that happens with every auction. There was a lot of action online. There were many old clients, but also a lot of new customers that tried their luck and hopefully will return again in the future.”

The ridden horses will soon fly out all over the world. For 21,000 euro the 4-yr-old Lovely (Harley VDL x Calando I) will move to Sweden. For 18,500 euro the 5-yr-old Power Girl van de Heffinck (Jamal van de Heffinck x Contact van de Heffinck) will go to a new Belgian stable. Amateur rider, as well as several international top-class riders were shopping online.

Sixth auction

Mario Everse and Alan Waldman are already looking ahead. The sixth auction will be held from 10 to 13 October, and is reserved for late-born foals (end of auction on 12 October) and young showjumping horses (end of auction on 13 October). The video days will be around 22 September. Entry is still open.