The FEI informed Jessica Kuerten of a positive medication sample taken from the mare Castle Forbes Maike at the CSIO5* La Baule, France. The rider decided to waive the offered fine of 500 Swiss Francs for the suspicion of a forbidden substance and requested the FEI to open the B sample. The date for the testing of the B sample was September 25th, 2007 at LCH in Paris, France where the A sample had already been analyzed.

The witnessing analyst representing Jessica Kuerten, Dr. Laurent Bigler from the University of Zurich, was, however, refused the right to survey the analysis of the B sample at the lab. The lawyer for show jumping rider Jessica Kuerten, Dr. Ulf Walz from Basel, Switzerland, immediately issued a protested to the FEI stating that this conduct was “unprecedentedly scandalous, harassing and arbitrary.” Dr. Walz further stated that there were further inconsistencies regarding the handling of the samples that could indicate that they had been tampered with.

The FEI has yet to release a public statement on the matter.
