The MARS Bromont Rising U25 scholarship program, administered by the USEA Foundation, is pleased to announce that up to 10 grants of up to $2,500 each will once again be available for talented young riders aged 25 and under aiming to compete in the MARS Bromont (Quebec, Canada) U25 CCI’s in June, 2025. Highlighting this year’s program is the return of three-time German Olympic team member Bettina Hoy, as a guest coach for 2025.

The brainchild of Bromont organizer Sue Ockendon and the late Steve Blauner; the scholarship program was first offered in 2019 for riders competing at Bromont and at the time Ocala, and was expanded to include Galway Downs in 2022 and 2023. Event horse owner Blauner had the vision of supporting young eventers from the US and Canada who were not yet under the radar of national U25 training programs. Ockendon had long had the dream of offering financial support the youth of the sport, who are the future of Eventing in North America. A complete training program was devised to help the riders prepare themselves and their horses for competition.

The grants assist with travel and entry expenses, but the program also includes classroom sessions with course designers, high performance riders and a dressage test analysis by an 5* FEI judge. Coaching and course walks during the events are also available, in conjunction with riders’ own coaches.
