Please note that the call will be recorded for online publication. Questions can be submitted to with the subject line: June 2020 National Call.
Online Zoom Meeting: Join Here
Meeting ID: 952 3484 6587
Password: 862583
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Speaker Line-Up
12 p.m. – Welcome & Introductions – Bettina Bobisen, DVM, Co-Chair of EC Health & Welfare Committee
12:05 p.m. – Kate Fenner
- A presentation on Fenner’s PhD project, The Equine Behaviour Assessment Research Questionnaire (E-BARQ), which will provide data for evidence-based practice well into the future. As a competitive rider, equestrian coach and horse trainer for many years, Fenner believes the best way forward to optimize horse welfare and rider safety is to increase awareness of how horses are trained and managed, and how these practices impact on behaviour.
12:35 p.m. – University of Guelph
- A presentation by University of Guelph students on COVID-19 pandemic resources, including return to competition and equine facility biosecurity resources.