UPDATE: Clinic is now sold out but limited extra seating may be added; possibility of livestream coverage is also being considered.

On Oct. 23rd, Brookhaven Farm in Cedar Valley, On, will open its doors and invite auditors as two-time Olympian Jacqueline Brooks discusses the training programs and techniques she uses to bring her horses and riders up through the levels from Training to Grand Prix. Students will demonstrate on her own horses at various stages of their dressage careers, including Theo who is schooling Grand Prix, Quinton at PSG and five-year-old Blind Date. There will also be a lecture and a Q&A session.

Cost for the symposium is $100 plus HST; reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis because of Covid restrictions. Masks and proof of full vaccination (or negative rapid test) are required and temperatures will be taken at the door. Vendors will be on site, loot bags, coffee and snacks provided, door prize draw at lunch. It is suggested you bring a chair and your own lunch/beverages.
