Members of Equine Canada (EC) from across Canada recently had an opportunity to vote on draft revisions to the national sports federation’s Bylaws. Although a general meeting to accommodate in-person voting on the Bylaws during the Canadian Interprovincial Championships in Bromont, Quebec on September 22, saw the revisions accepted almost unanimously, an advanced on-line voting served to defeat the revisions.

“We have heard from many members from all parts of Canada,” reports EC President Mike Gallagher, “that they were unaware we had embarked upon a revision to our Bylaws, as well as the rationale and realities driving the need for these revisions.

“Following the failure of the revisions to be adopted, the Board has decided to undertake more fulsome stakeholder communications in order to better engage and educate members, in addition to removing any barriers to a successful relationship with our partners and members.”
