The Canadian Show Jumping Team comprised of Ben Asselin, Mario Deslauriers, Eric Lamaze, and Ian Millar placed fourth in the $400,000 BMO Nations’ Cup held Saturday, September 9, as part of the Spruce Meadows ‘Masters’ tournament in Calgary, AB.

A total of eight countries battled for supremacy in the 41st annual BMO Nations’ Cup over a testing track set by two-time Olympic course designer Leopoldo Palacios of Venezuela.

As Canada’s lead-off rider, 1984 World Cup Champion Deslauriers, 52, was making his return to the Canadian Show Jumping Team following a nine-year absence representing the United States. Based in New York, NY, Deslauriers was riding Westbrook, a nine-year-old grey Swedish Warmblood gelding (Jaguar Mail x Cardento) that was purchased in March by owners Luja LLC and Wishing Well Farm LLC. With a single mistake at fence number four, a skinny vertical that came down throughout the competition, Deslauriers posted an opening round score of four faults.
