Declared “King of Stockholm” by the announcer in the Friends Arena in Stockholm (SWE), Bram Chardon (NED) earned the honour after an incredible win in the 4th leg of the 2023-24 FEI Driving World Cup™.

Although it was Bram’s second event of the series following his wild card ticket in Maastricht (NED), it was his first opportunity as a qualified driver to earn ranking points towards a coveted place at the final in February.

Accurately steering his supple, on-point grey horses through the course while maintaining a business-like pace and keeping all the elements in place, Bram drove four clear rounds to finish on time-only scores. After winning competition one on Friday night by a well-judged but slim margin, he went even faster on Saturday to win the all-important second drive-off at the Sweden International Horse Show.
