Tiffany Foster 4th with Northern Light

Abigail McArdle (USA) won the $37,000 Equinimity WEF Challenge Cup Round 10 riding Victorio 5 on Thursday, March 12, at the Winter Equestrian Festival (WEF) in Wellington, FL.

WEF continues at the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center (PBIEC) through March 29, 2020, with 12 consecutive weeks of world-class competition and $13 million dollars on offer. The tenth week of competition, sponsored by Horseware Ireland, runs through March 15 and is recognized by the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) as a CSI3*. Remaining highlights of the week include the $137,000 Horseware Ireland Grand Prix CSI3* on Saturday afternoon, and the $37,000 CaptiveOne Advisors 1.50m Classic on Sunday.

Michel Vaillancourt (CAN) set courses for 82 horses with 18 jumping clear over the opening track. After eight riders elected not to return, the stage was set for a 10-horse jump-off. With only fractions of a second to spare, McArdle stole the win with a blistering jump-off time of 41.40 seconds.
