

Don’t Miss EquiMania! at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair

The award-winning display of EquiMania! will be featured for a 14th consecutive year at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, in Toronto this November 1 – 10. Get your party hat at the front entrance and get set for another exciting horse-lovers expedition through EquiMania! Horsey hopscotch for the little ones, food for thought at the […]
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EquiMania! Gallops Back to the Royal

EquiMania! gallops back into Toronto for the third time this year for the Royal Agricultural Winter fair November 6 -15! Equimaniacs can’t get enough of the hands-on activities and love to immerse themselves in Equine Guelph’s well-travelled, award-winning display. Equine Guelph partnered with the OEF will be promoting “Ticket to Ride” once again at the […]