The social highlight of any trip to Welly World is usually a Sunday night visit to The Player’s Club, where a melting pot of polo, dressage, jumper and hunter folk mingle with horny non-horsey fellas from the neighbourhood and pretend it’s Saturday night. In keeping with the slightly askew nature of Welly World, Monday really is […]
I am back in the Sunshine State for my annual dose of plastic surgery radio ads and walking, talking display models of same. I spent last night shopping and dining where the rich and refurbished prance around the pink stucco haven of Palm Beach’s City Square. I hope this isn’t used against me at some future time, but I think I […]
Yesterday I finally signed off on what was probably the most hideously difficult article I’ve ever written: an update on the state of affairs between Equine Canada and the provinces – namely the six provinces that have said ‘hell no’ to signing the contract EC presented them with last year. What made it so incredibly […]
Before I go blabbing about my predictions for the next year, I want to make it clear that by no means am I a reliable fortune teller. I am also no gambler (been to Vegas five times and never once even put a coin in a slot machine), so these anticipations of things that may […]
Happy new year everyone. I hope you welcomed in this second decade of the third millennium in the style that best suits your individual tastes. My blog on continues into 2010, which promises to be an exciting year with WEG finally to take place on the west side of the Atlantic for the first […]
Not that the pot hasn’t been getting stirred in Horse Land – and I’ll get to that in a bit – but last week I did start a top ten list that begs to be completed. I’m still struck by how this two island country in the South Pacific can simultaneously feel so different and […]
I hope you can forgive me, but I don’t want to talk about horses today. I haven’t been near the internet for a week; the only news that has filtered through to my holiday-addled brain, thanks to loyal blog reader Lita Dove, […]
I don’t mean the Vegas casino – I’m talking about all the ridiculous things going on right now. If anyone out there was thinking of producing a reality show based on the equestrian world, now would be an excellent time to do so. Here are a few topics that would make excellent candidates for the […]
Where to start? I thought last year’s FEI General Assembly was a sizzler, but compared to last week’s pow-wow in Copenhagen, 2008 was a snooze fest. Top of the shit list this year: the Clean Sport Commission’s decision to allow the presence of things like bute and banamine in horses at FEI competitions, and the ‘yay’ vote […]
I’ve been getting emails from a few people who are wondering where I’ve gone. I haven’t gone anywhere, but I had hoped that the ‘books’ I wrote on the GDF would have kept you hounds at bay. No such luck, apparently. There is much going on in Canada-land right now for me to share, and […]