There will be no M’s in today’s post. No, not when there is such incredible good news to report from our eventers at Rolex. It is almost certainly the best result ever for Canada – I’d nearly bet money on it and as you know I shun gambling. Four in the top ten, and all […]
Heavens to Betsy there is a lot to talk about. I don’t have much time but wanted to first thank ‘some guy at the World Cup’ for keeping us poor sods who stayed home up to speed – no mean feat this year. And I thought Vegas was exciting… Today I will talk only about […]
From some guy at the world cup Well, it’s all over; and what an outcome. So, Mario Deslauriers, from an almost impenetrable lead going into the final round, took far too many rails to count (3 I think) throughout the course, maybe a time fault as well (I lost track) and finished in 6th place […]
From some guy at the world cup I am neither lawyer, nor vet. Nor am I a real horseman for that matter. However, I do have some decent experience in rules and process. The FEI has established the ground rules for their competitions. Agreement to abide by these is basically the table stakes for all […]
From some guy at the world cup Well, I’m back with another riveting episode of our World Cup adventure. Today, we arrived at the equine centre a few hours early to have lunch (did I mention that Switzerland is not only mega-organized, but also uber expensive) because lunch at the hotel was the equivalent of […]
Please enjoy the guest blog below, which comes to you humorously, if anonymously, from the World Cup Final in Geneva. I will be back with MMJR updates in a few days. Piste From some guy at the World Cup Please stand by. Professionally trained, accomplished and knowledgeable journalists are clicking away at keyboards, downloading pictures, […]
Where’s my whip? Yesterday afternoon I received a distressed email from my ‘researcher’, who had decided to double check the WEF prize list for the names of the ground jury on Feb. 27. Much to my surprise and chagrin, I had been given erroneous information about the name of the jury president. I considered going […]
You can believe me or not, but an hour or two after I wrote yesterday’s post ( my crystal ball seems to be working quite well), I saw a press release from the FEI, the title of which stated: FEI and USEF Both Initiate Charges in Abuse Case. The press release is rather brief so […]
I am on the road this week, coming to you today from the charming ex-pat enclave of San Miguel de Allende for a wee pause to catch my breath between gigs in Mexico City and Spokane (now there’s an exercise in contrasts). I know you are all anxious to know the latest in the Michael […]
I am a firm believer that peer pressure can be a very powerful incentive for behaviour modification (see the naughty list on my website if you don’t believe me). So, with that in mind, I am pleased to provide you with the video of Michael Morrissey BEATING his horse at the US team trials. Some […]