Yellow cards. I saw a lot of them over the past few days of watching World Cup Soccer (football to any of you out there not from the barbarian lands of NA), and you know what? They looked like they worked pretty well. The odd player kind of shoved his chest at the ref in […]
I’m a muckraker. Two weeks ago I was called a muckraker by someone. The term has had negative connotations in our society for some years, but I had a dim memory of learning about muckrakers during my university days, and the meaning of the term was rather more attractive than current usage suggests. So […]
Contrary to the accusation leveled at me last week that I write only negative things about dressage in Canada, let me tell you what I’ll be doing over the next 24 hours. I am watching the Rotterdam CHIO website with great anticipation and interest over the next few days, because our Canadians over there on […]
Since I began writing a blog during the 2006 WEG, I have sometimes wondered if I would ever lose sense of propriety and step over a line. Now I know the answer and I’m not feeling so good on this Friday morning. I could just remove the incriminating evidence and pretend it never happened, but […]
Or should I say, DOA again? I shouldn’t complain about the never-ending source of material, but jeez Louise people! This is lunacy. The ‘who’s out’ teaser from last week refers to the five letters of resignation that DC Board received two weeks ago from High Performance Committee members. Oh the ironies! Here is just one. […]
This week’s post was meant to be a final wrap up of the trip to Costa Rica. It was to be titled Judges Behaving Badly and it was going to be about the perils of dressage judging in the microscopic DQ universes of Latin American countries. In some ways the politics and tribalism of the […]
They are also sometimes called Tink frogs, but I only just learned that from Wikipedia. The people in Costa Rica call them Dink frogs, and most of them don’t know that dink also means something else, so it’s cute like when your mother calls people wankers without knowing what a wanker is. Dink frogs earned […]
The power came back on and I have a few minutes to kill before we do one last souvenir shopping spree on the way to the airport, so here are several more photos of our Costa Rican adventure. In the land where even the fence posts grow leaves, the toad stools are actual stool-sized. […]
Costa Rica is so beautiful it makes me sick. And I’m not talking metaphorically. I have been to this delightfully colourful, clean, safe and wildlife-jam-packed country three times over the past three years; on each occasion I have been immediately felled by one affliction or another. This time it was a gang of microbes which […]
What, two blogs in a day you ask? I’m making up for being late this week, and also stock piling reading material because next week I am going to Costa Rica to work on freestyles and then to have a few days in the fabulous natural surroundings of the Peninsula de Oso with my husband […]