Found 586 Results from Straight-Up

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Table Scraps

Here it is, my final parting shot from WEG – it might not be the last thing I say about it, but this will be the last post I dedicate entirely to it. I have to clear my mental shelves between now and my flight to Amsterdam tomorrow night. Gotta make room for GDF next […]
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A tear or ten for Totilas (and for Edward)

With all the hoo-ha on the www about today’s ENORMOUS ANNOUNCEMENT I feel compelled to  say something, even though I am too sad to want to.  Cees Visser and Paul Schockemoehle, you may be making financial hay from this transaction, but neither of you is making any friends today. I was asked a few days […]
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I’m Allteched out

Sitting here waiting for the closing ceremonies and wishing I had ear plugs to block out the act hired to play as people find their seats (who sound like this was their first time singing together), I’m looking forward to going home and hugging all my beloved animals: Theo (horse), Chorizo (wiener dog), Preto (cat) […]
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Aw rats. Rats, rats, rats. It must suck to be Eric tonight. Although maybe not quite so much as it sucks to be Rodrigo. I know I should be happy for Abdullah. I know I should. I’m trying to find it in my heart. Is it just sour grapes that I feel this way? Or […]
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Le Capitain L’Amazing

You know you are really excited about watching a horse jump when it gives you goose bumps AND an adrenaline rush. That’s what I felt a few minutes ago when Eric had one of his classically beautiful clear rounds in the first of two rounds in the individual semi-final. Only four horses out of 30 went […]
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So close, and yet so far

Booo hooo. I really thought Canada had a shot at another medal. It just wasn’t our night. It also wasn’t the Americans’. Like Rodrigo said yesterday at the press conf when he was asked to comment on the top three teams’ prospects for medals, “we are all sitting pretty here right now in 1,2 and […]
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Nail Biter!

Tonight is going to be INSANE. If you aren’t going to get the coverage live on TV but have access to the internet, get thee to FEI TV forthwith. There is less than a rail separating the top six teams going into the Nations’ Cup second round tonight. Canada is right in the thick of […]
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Dueling Cultures (sound of banjo music)

I just knew that staying in the hillbilly shack would produce a cultural experience. Last Thursday was a bit of a quiet WEG day so Jan and I had a sleep-in. Around 10:30 am I woke to hear what sounded like a vehicle pulling in. Thinking it was the cabin’s owners come to change the […]
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Babes on Bays

I was so over-stimulated after Canada’s silver medal last night that I just couldn’t focus enough to write anything here. I don’t know how those Canadian riders managed to stay so composed under pressure yesterday – especially the last two for the team, Hawley and Steph. I could hardly watch Steph’s round – I covered […]
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Maribel Responds

I have a confession to make. I am still afraid of the dressage judges. When they come into the press conference they come as a united group and it’s a daunting prospect to think of approaching any of them when they are all lined up like ducks in a row. So I was both pleased […]