Found 586 Results from Straight-Up

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My, my, my

While the website (and this blog) were getting a face lift, the PR machine at Equine Canada squeaked out a little bomb of a press release which announced that EC has mended its fences with the hell no provinces and soon all the sheep will be safely back in the fold. Say what? After […]
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Not drowning, waving

Hi everyone. I know some of you are sad about the lack of a post in the last few days, but I promise to have something up shortly! Summer hours, you know…
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Who’s paying for this?

Just when I thought I was about to finally drag myself away from the topic of TB racing/Chuckers, a couple of days ago I was forwarded a scan of the cover of the latest Equine Canada Magazine by someone who concluded it was a ‘must see’ for me, especially considering my recent posts. Guess what […]
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Half a dozen reasons it’s better to race wieners than Thoroughbreds

We made our annual pilgrimage to Vancouver’s Hastings Park for the wiener dog races on Sunday, and perhaps that is part of the reason this whole Chuckwagons and Thoroughbred racing situation just won’t leave my head. A commenter to my anti-Chuckwagon rant of last week posted a link to Diane Francis’ article in Saturday’s Financial […]
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Chuckwagon Racing is for Barbarians

If you have no idea what Chuckwagon racing is, count yourself lucky and skip today’s post. Ignorance really is bliss in this case. I consider Chuckwagon racing to be nothing more than sanctioned horse abuse. And the wheel horse that shattered a hind leg on the first night of this year’s Calgary Stampede would probably […]
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Speaking in Tongues

Hysteria is sweeping the Dressage Nation! Tongues are flying everywhere, blood gushing out! Nosebands are so tight they are causing horse’s muzzles to literally fall off their faces and lifeless blue tongues are lolling as a result of relentless bit violence! Seriously. This all reminds me of the Monty Python sketch that simultaneously makes fun […]
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I’m back! It’s a well-known fact of holidays that the hardest part is the return. And the more ‘away’ in nature the holiday, the harder the transition. Even though I’ve been to places much more far flung and exotic than the western US, I’m officially putting camping road trips at the top of my list […]
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Kickin’ it in the Canyonlands

Greetings from the Mormon homeland.  I haven’t been this far off the grid since before I owned my first cell phone. I rarely get a signal here and there are precious few places to get internet. But don’t confuse Mormons with Mennonites. It’s the result of being in such unpopulated and mountainous areas, not because […]
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In search of the sun…

Last night I once again dressed my horse in his purple Rambo. A Rambo in late May??? Sure it was the light rain sheet model, but seriously. I’ve had it with this weather. Watching the flowering plants in my garden has been a study in botanical arrested development. This has been one S.A.D. spring. So […]
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Silly Hats

Did you catch the Derby last week? It was a great race, won by a horse with an even better story. But what really struck me this year was that, between the Royal nuptials and the Kentucky Derby, I have never seen so many stupid looking hats in the span of eight days. Many of them […]