I’m off to see the Wizards, The wonderful Wizards of dressage. Isabell Werth is a whiz of a wiz, if ever a wiz there was. If ever, oh ever a wiz there was, Kyra Kyklund is one because Because, because, because, because, because Because of the wonderful things she does. I’m off to see the […]
Are you contemplating the exciting yet slightly daunting prospect of attending Normandy 2014 (and if you don’t know what I’m talking about then clearly you aren’t)? If so, I have a few tips to help you prepare for your adventure. The first thing you will need to do is learn how to correctly pronounce the […]
That’s right, it’s now less than a year to the opening ceremonies of what I’m sure will be a truly spectacular WEG 2014. I still don’t dare to expect it to top Jerez 2002, which remains my all-time favourite horse sporting event, ever – but if anyone can give the Spanish a run for their […]
I mentioned a few weeks ago that I would be closely watching the European Championships in Herning via FEI TV, but something got in my way and I found myself on a plane bound for Paris last week instead of setting my alarm for 3 am to watch the Dressage and Jumping action on live […]
A couple of weeks ago, a reader named Catherine left a comment with the request that I weigh in on the recently announced Dressage Canada elections. I could be lazy and answer by simply sending Catherine to posts on this same topic from past years. Calling the annual change in guard on DC’s committees an […]
There are certain things that just don’t talk to you (unless you are a paranoid schizophrenic, that is). Things such as food. And animals. I know what you are thinking: there goes K-Rob, off on another non-horse tangent again. But no. The theme for today’s post comes directly from my inbox and is absolutely horse […]
It’s a typical non-championship-year summer. There’s plenty going on, but none of it so mind blowing that if you missed it you’d feel out of touch. I know, because I was somewhat off grid for a couple of weeks, and it didn’t take me long to catch up with things. So here are a few […]
Just in case any of you out there have been checking back for my usual once-weekly rants, I want to apologize for my inactivity the past two weeks. I’ll have a ‘real’ post up in the next two days, and there is no shortage of material waiting to be shared, what with the two week […]
What is it with those Swedes and Danes, anyway? Earlier this week I wrote my column for issue #5 of Horse Sport International. As is frequently the case when I write articles that seek to dig out the kernel of a controversy, I was left with some musings that I was unable to include in […]
I was planning to go on my annual rant about the chuck wagon races at the Calgary Stampede (four dead horses this year), but I am having what could only be described as a truly lousy weekend, and need cheering up. Enter my four legged best friend Chorizo to carry the day – and my […]