Found 586 Results from Straight-Up

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Canada Kicks Ass!

In the nicest, most polite way of course. I mean, am I not living proof of how sweet and gentle we Canadians are? We don’t gloat when we win Olympic hockey gold. No, not at all.  We would never commit such a sin of vanity. Well, maybe just a little. (my favourite part of the […]
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How to Piss Off the Swiss

When you refer to someone as ‘being Switzerland’, you aren’t likely to be accusing that person of being full of holes like Swiss Emmental, or delicious like Toblerone, or tall and slim like the Matterhorn. Chances are what you mean is that the person is refusing to take sides in a dispute, instead remaining neutral […]
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Pippa Cuckson: Guest Blog from the FEI Endurance Conference

When the editor kindly offered me a guest blog about the FEI endurance conference in Lausanne on February 9, I decided to wait a day or so. I had already written five different news reports about it and wanted to crystallise some thoughts. I also wanted a few hours off to play my viola and […]
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EC Recycles!

What an ecologically responsible organization we have! Rather than just tossing past presidents into the trash like used diapers, EC recycles them! Though for some reason CEOs, which actually cost money to train and employ, are given the Huggies treatment faster than you can say ‘potty train’. Way to solve the downward spiral of a […]
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The Welly Whirlwind

It happened again. My two weeks in Welly World vanished faster than you can say Bellissimo. Every year I go down thinking I’ll have all kinds of time to socialize, go for bird-watching walks, even sneak down to Key Largo for a night or two. And every year I arrive home feeling like I’ve been […]
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Attention CEOs: EC Wants YOU!

From championing best practices to encouraging fun and participation, Equine Canada is a dedicated national voice working to serve, promote and protect the interests of horses and Canada’s equestrian community – it’s too bad we’re totally incompetent.  Temporary Career Opportunity – Chief Executive Officer  Equine Canada is the leading only national sport and equine organization […]
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Give it Some Welly

This happy new year’s greeting is coming to you from the Wonderful World of Wellington, where I have just arrived for my annual dose of sunshine and perpetually youthful old people. Things have changed a great deal since a year ago, and over the coming two weeks I’ll bring you up to speed on all […]
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Top Ten of 2013

Happy 2014, Year of the Horse, everyone! I have all kinds of expectations and predictions for the coming year that I’m preparing to share with you,  but I would be doing 2013 a disservice if I didn’t give it a proper send off with my annual ‘best, worst, and ugliest’ list. So here we go […]
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Greetings of the Season

Hello everyone! I hope that this holiday season is filled with good food, good drink, and good times for you, your family and friends, and especially the animals. I’ll be doing my annual best and worst of the year wrap up just after New Year’s. For the next ten days I hope to be as […]
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Christmas Well-Wishes

Over the next two weeks, I’ll be off more than on-line, as I expect most of you will be too. Wishing you all, and especially your beloved animals, the happiest of holiday seasons. And yes, Merry Christmas too! I leave you with a touching video that should serve as a reminder to us all to […]