Facing cancellation because of the pandemic, the Pennsylvania, Washington and Kentucky fall horse shows work together to avoid the Royal’s fate.
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The Tokyo Games still aren’t anywhere close to a sure thing for 2021; everything depends on the course of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Nominee for president brings financial expertise and enthusiasm for horse sports to his quest for more opportunities for the organization and its members.
Shows have started in the US, but USEF staff spent many hours creating the Covid action plan so people could start competing safely again.
The Ocala facility will offer horse shows for multiple disciplines and more, all done with style, when it finally opens its doors in 2021.
In Florida, horses stuck at the Winter Equestrian Festival showgrounds in Wellington, Florida, are still being ridden - in a controlled schooling setting.
It’s time for those planning the moves for equestrian sport to go back to the drawing board, once they get the information they need.
The International Olympic Committee will take four weeks to come up with a plan to put off Tokyo Olympic Games until 2021.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Equestrian Federation is trying to ride a rolling timeline as selection procedures are recalculated.
Other organizations call for show organizers to halt competitions, raising a question about the Olympics in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.