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Long Break

Well there is a very good reason for a long break in the blog – Solo has been having a “long break” from work. His stifle is slowly healing and he started back on some loose lunging in the indoor arena this week, not very blogworthy. Because he has a stifle strain, we cannot lunge […]
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Not 100%

Well I don’t think it’s in the foot. Solo is still not 100% right in his left hind although he is a lot better than he was. I only see it the odd step when I ask him to move over sideways in the stall, or I am turning him around outside. It seems to […]
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A Tour of the Property

This last week both Selena and I were at Virginia for the CCI**. It’s not that often throughout the year that we are both away for more than a day. Previously, Solo has often had time off while we are both gone, but he is older now and his work needs to be more consistent. […]
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Florida Winter Prep

Last week Solo proved that he is a grown up horse. On the Tuesday and the Wednesday I rode him in the Pat Burgess Clinic – he was absolutely wonderful and managed to comply with all my requests, whether badly or well requested! He turned, he jumped, he soared, he bounced, he cantered from halt, […]
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My Turn

I keep putting off the blog entry in hopes of some nice weather to take new photos. I don’t think it’s going to happen any time soon. It is way too wet to take my precious camera outside. We will all be in the indoor arena tomorrow, we had snow here this evening….blech!. Solo is […]
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A Tale of Woe

I know it’s been a long time since I sent anything to the blog, my excuse is a lengthy tale of woe. On Aug 31 I was flying to Tampa to look for a barn to to lease in Ocala for the winter months. Solo is going South this year…lucky Solo… To cut a long […]
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No Computer

On the way to Florida looking for Solo’s winter quarter’s my computer got annihilated. I will be back on line as soon as the situation is rectified.
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Spark…le Part 3

There was more to Millbrook. The actual young event horse competition was on the Thursday. On Friday while Selena prepared for her dressage test with Peanuts, I lunged and rode Solo who was moderately well behaved. On the Saturday the cross country was running past all the work areas and we decided to lunge Solo […]
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Spark…le Part 2

Next was the jumping phase. We had been led to believe this was a stadium course. We had also been under the impression that doing this class would be a nice introduction for Solo before he did a Pre Training event. We were expecting something between Entry and Pre Training. What we actually got was […]
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Obviously if we had sparkled as expected you would all have heard about it. We sparkled without the “L”. His first warm up was like a wiggly worm. Not being stupid or terribly excited and not doing anything he has not done at home – more of a regression in training of a couple of […]