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Waiting for the dressage arena to grow

Solo is jumping like a superstar. He just loves it. We don’t jump him much, probably once a week. It’s really not something he needs to school.  He is also doing well on the flat but still has problems fitting into a 20 x 40 ring.  Give him a big space and he is ‘to […]
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Post Fork

Since he came back from Florida after The Fork, Solo has been doing hills, which he hates, and schooling on the flat, which he is not fond of.  Mostly he just likes to jump.   He still argues and grumps about going up hills. I can’t help feeling that something in his back finds hills […]
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The Fork

Solo’s performance at The Fork was way better than his last event.  His dressage test was uneventful. It was not a great test, not one you keep in the back of your passport to pull out and show to all who are interested or not, he finds the confines of those little itty bitty dressage […]
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The Fork

Tomorrow at 5am I leave to go and get Solo.  We managed to enter him at an event in North Carolina called ‘The Fork’.  He is entered in the Novice division with Selena riding him. We will get to Florida early on Wednesday morning, on Wednesday afternoon Selena will cross country school the four horses […]
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The Debut!

Solo completed his first event in tenth place.  He was great in his dressage until about halfway through when he decided to have opinions about where he would go in the dressage arena…surprise, surprise….  However, after a bit of head shaking and backing up, he consented to go forward again and finished the test as […]
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All Grown Up with No Place to Go

  I visited our boy last week.  He looks all grown up. He has matured both mentally and physically.  He still goes on the horse walker once a day. And he still walks with his head almost touching the front partition of the walker, but he no longer tries to bump the partition out of […]
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Training in Ocala

Although the weather in Florida has not exactly been hot and sunny, it’s been a lot better than the weather here I am sure.  As a result, although everyone is still wearing warm winter blankets, the horses in Florida are getting lots of work and going to lots of new places. The photos today were […]
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It’s been a long time since I felt I had some real news about Solo – he was in limbo for a few weeks there, while we decided what was giving him soreness issues, and whether or not we were going to send him to Florida. In the end I had him x rayed. It […]
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A Slow Start to 2007

Well there has been no entry to the blog because once again we have been resting Solo. It seemed that as soon as he was going really well and lots of fun to ride, he broke himself. He is sound to trot up but when you ride him, he still doesn’t feel strong or ‘right’. […]
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The Underdog

Well, there is still nothing to report because the boy is not working. We had him back in work for a few days and then he started to look a bit stiff again. We have decided to give him a bit more time. It’s hard to do, he is looking great and meant to be […]