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Post-mortem: London

I suspect that if this is an Olympic post-mortem, there will be a post-post-mortem and possibly even a post-post-post-mortem in the coming weeks. A gig as fat as this five ring circus inevitably has stories that trail off like comets, and a few fanatic followers like myself keep our telescopes trained on them until they […]
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Breaking News: Helmet Wins Gold Medal!

Poor Charlotte. She must be good and sick of answering questions about her decision to wear a helmet. We’re over it! Let’s just face it. Helmets are in dressage’s future, and we know why. I’ve been on the ‘hell no we won’t be babied’ side of this argument since it all started in early 2010, […]
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War of the Words

This is getting to be like a three-way tennis match – or maybe more like a boxing match, but with fighters in three corners: “In the blue corner we have the supporters of Tiffany and Eric, who have come out swinging. In the red corner we have the Canadian federation, who seem to be arguing […]
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Clarification of the Clarification

I’m so confused. I imagine you are too, if you have taken in the latest statement from EC, which has the rather wordy title “Equine Canada Issues Clarified Statement Regarding Victor’s Disqualification.” You can find it here if you haven’t read it yet. I’ve already had an avalanche of emails from people who want to […]
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The Scandalous Games

As promised, I’ve done some digging into Abdullah Sharbatly’s complete lack of show results which would prove his achievement of the FEI Certificate of Capability – which is required for Olympic participation. I’m sure Grania Willis, the FEI’s Director of Press Relations, lets out a sigh of resignation every time a message from me pops […]
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This just in re: Eric vs. EC

Published moments ago on the Globe and Mail’s website is this article by the intrepid and extremely horse sport-friendly reporter Beverley Smith, in which she quotes Akaash (you remember, that well-spoken fellow who used to be the Fearless Leader of EC and who knows Mike Gallagher all too well) weighing in with his reaction to […]
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SS Part the Fourth

Just a brief  intro to the latest video supplement from SS: This is his reading of my Circus Continues post from a couple of days ago. I’ll be back in an hour or so with more on the show jumping. Can’t talk now, don’t want to miss a minute of the individual jumping final. In […]
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Day in the…brought to life

Here is SS with my post about how my days in London go – at least that’s how they went before the proverbial shit hit the proverbial fan tonight when Eric Lamaze showed us all what he’s made of by saying he will not wear the Canadian ‘pink’ coat as long as Equine Canada chooses […]
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That other news of today

Dudes, I’m sorry I haven’t blogged yet about the wonderful, heart bursting news of Team GB’s historic gold medal (called it!) in the team dressage. I promise, yes promise. A post tomorrow with lots of opinionations on how it all went down today. Think of the next post as a counterweight to the gut-bottoming news […]
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EC, disservicing an athlete near you

You know I don’t expect much of our national federation. Maybe I don’t expect anything at all. But I did expect that Equine Canada (proposed renaming – because they love to change their name every few years, presumably to shake stalkers – to Egregious Canada) would not deliberately malign or undermine the efforts of its […]