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Top Ten of 2013

Happy 2014, Year of the Horse, everyone! I have all kinds of expectations and predictions for the coming year that I’m preparing to share with you,  but I would be doing 2013 a disservice if I didn’t give it a proper send off with my annual ‘best, worst, and ugliest’ list. So here we go […]
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Greetings of the Season

Hello everyone! I hope that this holiday season is filled with good food, good drink, and good times for you, your family and friends, and especially the animals. I’ll be doing my annual best and worst of the year wrap up just after New Year’s. For the next ten days I hope to be as […]
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Christmas Well-Wishes

Over the next two weeks, I’ll be off more than on-line, as I expect most of you will be too. Wishing you all, and especially your beloved animals, the happiest of holiday seasons. And yes, Merry Christmas too! I leave you with a touching video that should serve as a reminder to us all to […]
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Exit Stage Left

Have you heard about EC’s Special Reverse Advent Calendar? When you open a door, instead of receiving a little gift you find that something has been taken away. Yesterday we opened the cute little cardboard double doors with elves on them and found out that we no longer have a CEO at EC. Merry Christmas! […]
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The Hangover, Part III

Yes, it’s more than a month since the FEI GA began to fade in our rear view mirrors, but I still can’t get the thing out of my mind. Here are a few lingering aftertastes that no amount of brain Listerine seems to be able to dissolve: 1. Horse Welfare in Endurance – oh not […]
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O, Ma? Ha!

Last week I received a couple of press releases from the FEI that, even by their standards, were a bit on the strange side.  The oddest was probably the one with the headline that announced that a new ‘FEI TV on the Go’ app had been launched ‘ to mark St. Nicholas Day’. Say what? […]
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Jock Jam

It sucks to be Jock Paget these days. Not only does he face the battle to prove himself innocent to the FEI Tribunal (the B sample tested positive according to a statement from the NZ federation yesterday), but he has to somehow hang onto his status as New Zealand’s newest equestrian Golden Boy. His fall […]
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Kentucky State of Mind

Since the FEI never hesitates to correct me when I make a factual error on my blogs, I thought I would return the favour, and offer them a free geography lesson in today’s post. Dear FEI: Kentucky is not a city. It’s a state. In your press release of  November 15th, you said that “The […]
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The Hangover 2

One factor I failed to appreciate when I headed to Switzerland this fall, was that attending the FEI GA would entail a recovery period of unpredictable length. I would like to recommend that the welcome package for the GA include the following warning: Welcome to the FEI General Assembly! Side effects of attending this event […]
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Vanishing Rio

As my good friend and regular blog reader Jenn W. said to someone last week, if there was anything worse than letting me into the Olympic Qualification meetings at the FEI GA last week, it was NOT letting me into the meeting.  You might have seen my ‘disarmament’ confession from the GA last week, when […]