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Muy buenos dias! I come to you today from the loving bosom of Central America, where I have spent the last five days working with some lovely horses and their delightful riders in Guatemala and Costa Rica, making sure they have their awesomest dancing shoes on for the freestyles at this year’s Central American Games. […]
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Nothing To Declare

Today’s post starts with a couple of handy hints to the Canadian Eventing High Performance folks. To the riders: if you want to get on a team, you have to fill out this silly little document called a declaration form, and probably (but I’m not sure since the Canadian Eventing website never bothered posting its […]
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Counting Stars

Well, the WEG team announcements are flowing fast and furious now.  One of the most anticipated of the lot in Canada is, of course, the Dressage Team. When they set the score cut off at 70% there were more than a few people, myself included, who expected that to mean no team at all in […]
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Busted at Badminton – Pippa Cuckson weighs in

I am delighted to share with you today the insightful reflections of UK journalist extraordinaire Pippa Cuckson, who has much to say about this year’s Badminton, and the recent tragic deaths of Canadian Jordan McDonald and Benjamin Winter of Germany.   I’m even more delighted to be the first to reveal the news that Pippa […]
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FEI Launches New Product Line

FEI PRESS RELEASE Vancouver (CAN)  June 19, 2014 FEI Launches New Product Line In its never-ending quest to appear to be upholding the principles of horse welfare and fair play, the FEI has today announced two exciting new products. Developed by former members of Lance Armstrong’s private support team, these products are an indispensable aid […]
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A Day for Sad Reflection

I wish to express my deepest condolences to the family and many friends of Jordan McDonald. If the horse community in Canada is a small one, where there is never more than a degree or two of separation among us, the eventing community is like a nuclear family within it. Jordan’s death is not only […]
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In With a Bang

What a first day of work for Eva Havaris! Her shadow had barely darkened the doorstep before she faced her first order of business: to provide a quote for what is one of the biggest announcements in Canadian equestrian sport history.  Before her chair was even warm, EC’s new CEO had already had an awesome […]
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Canada 1, Kentucky 0

So WEG is going to Bromont. I can’t exactly say ‘I told you so’, because I was never convinced the Bromont bid could pull it off, especially after last year’s humiliation. In case you didn’t deem it important enough to cache it away in your mental hard-drive,  Bromont was the last bidder standing but the […]
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If you are from the native English-speaking world, you don’t need to be told about D-Day, particularly not this week.  And if you happen to have tickets for the 2014 World Equestrian Games in Normandy this August, you will have ample opportunity to continue the learning of the Normandy landings up close and personal. Caen […]
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Wow. Would you look at that. I wouldn’t have thought it possible to imagine such an incredibly wide range of personalities and backgrounds for a single job  (the CEO of EC), but there it is. The EC Board found someone who has, at least on paper, almost nothing in common with her two predecessors. Far […]