mar-10Well the gang’s all here! Red Hills is packed to capacity. Maizey and Bizzy no longer have free range of the showgrounds and as you can see they are giving us ‘the look.’ All you dog owners know exactly what we mean.

There are over 60 in the one star, 50 in the two star and 40 in the three star. Not a bad showing and tough competition for all. In addition to the FEI classes there are ‘small’ Advanced, Intermediate and Preliminary divisions. Selena starts at 9:41 tomorrow and finishes with her last ride at 3:45 (Woody).

Today will be a brush up for the dressage tests tomorrow. Some hacking and some schooling with perhaps a run through the tests. It’s always a careful prep so that you don’t lose their edge the next day by doing too much or lose their minds the next day by doing too little. LOL. Once they are fit enough for the cross country you walk a thin line in the dressage ring. We have all had one ‘blow up’ on us. Mostly you can take the energy and use it but sometimes…

Things here at Balsam Hall are looking up. The temperatures are above zero (an important part of ‘things looking up’) and although the paddocks are now under water, the outdoor sand rings are beginning to look pretty inviting. It just needs to get a tiny bit warmer and drier and everyone will be out enjoying riding in the Spring sunshine.

Benny and Rummy are having a week off. It’s not a big deal if they cannot be worked every day at present. Benny is still growing and looks like he is going to continue growing for a few months yet. I would still like to see Rummy carrying a few more pounds. He looks wonderful (photos next week), but he should look plumper, not toned and fit. Benny looks soft and plump, just the way you want your growing four year to be this time of the year. Rummy looks ready to go to an event. It is hard to have them shed their ‘fitness’ after they have raced steadily for three years. He gets fit in a heartbeat it would appear. Not such a bad trait to have 😉

Let’s hope we have news for you of three great dressage tests tomorrow, fingers crossed for the O’Hanlon Eventing Team at Red Hills.