I am so enjoying being able to go over to the barn once a day and see the horses. A walk round the barn is my physio time and it’s the highlight of the day. The horses all look fat and glossy and I just swell with pride as I do my tour.

Selena had a jumping day with a couple of the horses. Woody stretched himself over a grid and so did Riley and Zephyr. Its so nice to see the videos of them out in the sunshine jumping and cantering. It’s hard on many fronts to send the horses south, but the rewards are certainly clear. I have given in to pressure and I am going to quietly bankrupt myself in this year of the Mighty American Dollar, and I am sending Solo down with the two OTTBs. He has been whining and moaning since Selena and Anne Marie left, and I give in! The vet is coming tomorrow to do his paperwork.

The video is Riley being jumped by Selena while the iconic Bruce Davidson watches. He is the most amazing coach. Inspiring, scary, supportive, driving and always there for you when the chips are down. Both Selena and I count ourselves very fortunate to have his guidance.

It is very hard to sell Riley, he is so beautiful and so talented and we have had him all his life, but in this year of the bid for Rio, even Riley has been offered for sale.