First off I would like to say how sorry I was to hear of death of Harry’s horse. My heart goes out to team GBR. 🙁 Perspective.

Well it was a long and tense day for me. I started off by watching the live feed in the tent. I watched Peter go around (well what they showed of him). He was SUPER through the last water! I tried to do it just like him, didn’t work out so well for my big boy. 😉 I couldn’t sit there and watch after an hour or so. So I set out to walk the course. Well that was a challenge because none of the volunteers knew I was a rider (no matter how many languages I tried) so mostly I just got to spectate.

I watched Jessica at fences 21/22. Her horse FLEW over the ditch and brush which made the distance to the skinny too tight. She was so smart taking the long route at the following corner. 🙂 Then I went back to the tents to watch Hawley on live feed. I was so worried when I noticed right away she was not enjoying the footing. So unlike her not to run and jump (her favorite). I had to leave after her round. So I forced myself to eat some leftover pizza and get changed.

Went back to the barn and got my gear on. Kept my cool. He warmed up phenomenally. Clayton offered the long route at the corners (fence 4/5) because the team needed me to come home. He said I could do the long route at the first water too if I felt Woody bobble anywhere.

Woody FLEW over the first corner so it’s a good thing I decided to do the long route. He was feeling great so I went straight at the first water. Big jump down left me with slightly long reins. I trust Woody so I sat in the back seat and just kept kicking.

I’ve always had trouble galloping and jumping out of stride. Today Woody and I were flying. The footing was incredibly sticky EVERYWHERE. I felt so bad for Woody but he kept his ears pricked and never felt tired. So proud of his fitness. It’s improved since Rolex. He NEVER once felt tired today. 🙂

I was having the ride of a lifetime until the dreaded last water. I watched that water ridden every which way by very which rider/horse combo. Peter was by far the way I saw. I wish so much I had tried the eight strides. I was expecting a tired horse by then but he was full of running and I didn’t want to take away from his power. He has such a big stride and most of the course rode well “going.”

I have watched the video and I think it might have been better if we did the eight but you never know could have been the same result or worse.  He ripped up the last hill full speed and soared over the last few fences. I LOVE riding this horse. He is elegant, eye catching, gentle and a cross country machine to be reckoned with all over the world. He is full of running still which is promising for tomorrow’s show jumping.

Having lost Colombo this year I wondered if I would ever have a horse I trusted with my life again let alone conquer the world on. I’m so blessed. Woody and I are best friends and he takes me where dreams are made with his ears pricked & minty kisses all the way.

Huge thanks to team Canada’s support staff and my team mates, mum, Anne Marie, my friends and family, my country but most of all John and Judy Rumble for letting me ride the best horse in the world. No bias. 😉