Wednesday was really fun and busy. Great to finally start the games! We did our usual team jog @ 8:00 a.m., no rain. 🙂 Then I lunged Woody, nice for him to stretch without my weight or pressure. I learned that a shambon is legal. Who knew?I lunged in side reins.

Peter had a lesson then we walked the first half of the course. We ran out of time before we needed to get ready for our ring familiarization At 11:30 a.m. 20 mins in the last warm up ring and 20 mins in the main arena. We even got to ride inside the dressage ring. Very helpful as I think the stands are quite close to the ring.

Woody was great. Felt really forward and very focused. Couldn’t be happier! After that it was a quick lunch then time to get ready for jog at 3:00 p.m.

John and Judy came to visit us today. Was so great to see them and Woody was so happy to get his treats and”good boys.”

We did one more team jog at 2:00 p.m. with Dr. Ober to make sure everyone was happy and healthy. Then it was time to get “dolled” up.

Jogging in front of that chateaux was impressive. Woody behaved beautifully. I was very proud. He looked so hansom too, thanks to his groom Anne Marie. Later in the afternoon we finished our team course walk. Lots to do out there. Certainly not a dressage show!