This morning I started off right at 8:30 a.m. with Sammy Xc at Longwood. He was wonderful, the only thing he didn’t like was a muddy spot. He is a brave boy, but mud is a concern when you have lived your life as a dressage horse…lol.

After that I had training camp for dressage on Woody with Clayton at 11:30 a.m. He watched the Carolina Horse Park footage with me and read the score sheet. Then we worked on extended walk and medium walk. Then practiced entrance, halt and away in trot (staying straight coming out of the halt into trot). Then we spent the rest of the time working on shoulder-in to medium trot on a short diagonal, followed by forward into extended trot. We are figuring out how to have his body aligned for maximum step and throughness.

You can see in the photo that my terrier Bizzy was unimpressed and as always, managed to find a very comfortable spot for a nap.

I jumped Thunderstruck and Derg Boru (King Brian) when we got home. I did the Ingrid Klimke circle exercise. First doing the jumps on a circle in 6’s then in 5’s.

I also did a bounce with King Brian to get him sharp for Rocking Horse Spring this coming weekend.

Thunder has been working on collected canter cavalettis and is mastering it quite nicely. I am very pleased with him. Hacking past cows and culverts is another story. 😉

I was really pleased with all my jumping beans today.

The other photo is of Rummy, Riley and Benny were hanging out in the run in shed. They have bonded!