Still packing at night.

Still packing at night.

Like most barns, Monday is our day off. Not so much this Monday! The last of the physical packing is getting done.

First off Anne Marie took the trailer to the feed merchant and loaded up with half a ton of Purina Trimax. It seemed easier to take the trailer straight there then it doesn’t have to get loaded twice. Since the trailer got back, there have been a constant stream of boxes and packages being slotted into their allotted place in the 3D jigsaw puzzle that is the tack room. It’s an art form!

The sun shone and the paddocks were firm enough to get everybody out and moving today. A few snow squalls are all that are forecast and we are hopeful the trailer is going to be good to go in the morning.

The OTTBs had today off, but here is a video of Benny (who is not quite four) going over his first pile of poles. He really is very obliging and seems extremely happy with his change of career