Here's another shot from the day in November that I bought Benny.

Here’s another shot from the day in November that I bought Benny.

It’s the ninth of January and it’s seven degrees outside and raining. It sounds like tomorrow is going to be wind and rain again and then it’s going to freeze….oh joy! Still, it beats last year by a long shot!

It’s hard to tell what day the horses will get away. Originally this rain was forecast as a snowstorm finishing on Monday. The ladies were driving out on Tuesday. Right now Tuesday is forecast snow and they may be safer waiting until Wednesday. All the Florida bound equipment that we are not using on a day to day basis is now packed.

The two OTTBs were back at it today. Selena is enjoying both of them very much. Today a horse got loose and went for a little gallop around the arena while Rummy was working. We all held our breath to see if Rummy was going to lose his mind try and give him a race, but no, he stayed safe in the middle of the arena beside Selena, and waited until all the excitement died down.

The two boys were not introduced to anything new today. Same as yesterday, simple walk trot and canter on both reins, trot over a pole in a different position each day and a little bit of lunging.

Benny is most certainly not fit, he gets tired very quickly. The most he has ever done was one quarter of a mile breeze. Rummy would probably get fit very quickly if we encouraged it. He has most probably raced for three years and he only stopped in October. He has lost all his bulk, but you can still see hard stringy muscle from his galloping. We want to ‘let him down’ a little more while still keeping him entertained under saddle.

Our newest working student Abbey Gregus arrived to join Team O’Hanlon today. She couldn’t arrive at a busier time. She will be diving in at the deep end tomorrow.