image1Today I have to get papers from vet’s office to ship everyone home. The winter fun is drawing to a close. This weekend is the last Florida horse show and then next week we leave for The Fork and we don’t turn South again. I need to get hay, grain and vet wrap for our trip home via The Fork. I have a 2:30 appointment in Gainesville with the USDA vet to get my travel papers stamped.

I big treat and a huge lesson today. I watched Bruce school Woody dressage. He never missed one step of over tracking in medium and extended walk, something I have a huge amount of trouble with. I almost learn more on the ground than I do on the saddle when I am watching Bruce ride.

image2After watching Bruce I was inspired to teach Anne Marie on Solo. I have also been teaching Artie and Pinka, the Chesterland staff. They have lovely thoroughbreds and I love being asked to help. As you can see Anne Marie and Solo are a good team.

Right now, I am going to practice my test on King Brian for tomorrow, then unload hay and take papers to USDA vet. I can’t believe we are heading out next week. Ocala is so busy and exciting, the time flies by.