Today was busy again, is it ever anything else when you have horses?

Selena and Anne Marie were up early and off to Rocking Horse Winter 2. It is spread over four days and today is the dressage and show jumping for Foxwood High in the Advanced division. Tomorrow he comes back and does his cross country and King Brian, first time Selena has ridden him, they are doing the Open Preliminary Division for their debut together, do all three phases in the one day. So nobody is actually running on Saturday and Sunday. Riley and Zephyr run again the following weekend.

Woody had a good dressage and Selena said he felt much more rideable. He gets a bit high and mighty after a break, but she says he is back to listening again. He did a double clear show jumping and he is tied for third place going into cross country tomorrow with Buck Davidson in first and second! That Bruce Davidson Jr. is a ‘chip of the old block’ for sure. I hoped to have video of the test and the jumping by now but Selena and Anne Marie have not had five minutes to put it up on the internet for me.

Here in the far north, it is all about the snow hacking. Rumour has it that it will rain on Saturday and all this fabulous snowscape will be gone. We are, therefore, sending the horses out hacking in the -16 temps this morning. In all fairness, without wind and with a lovely sun, it’s glorious and the horses seem very happy. I am not terribly keen on ‘cold’ myself, whereas I can function really well in the heat. I hear that we are meant to get an unusually warm and early Spring and I am looking forward to it.

Rummy and Benny have by necessity been on the back burner today. They will have a couple of days off while Selena competes and then she will start their schooling on Saturday. They will follow a program of education and experiences. We want them to see and do as much as the time allows while they are in Florida. They don’t need to compete while they are down there, but they need to be ready to compete this summer, especially Rummy now that Selena has been confirmed and accepted as a trainer for the Retired Racehorse Project in Oct 2016. We are very excited to have such a lovely horse to enter in the Eventing portion. There are 129 eventing entries! The biggest division by far. Rummy is going to have to get his mojo on. They have both bonded with their big brother Riley aka ‘Rather Boldly’ Here is a photo of the three of them all drinking together. They are bonded.