Today we had snow again. SNOW, what is with that? My family who are visiting from England are freezing, and I feel the need to continuously make apologies for the weather. Our horse that is preping for Plantation next week is having to do his gallops in a biting cold wind. It doesn’t affect his gallops, but it makes cooling him down a bit worrisome. It’s a fine line to make sure he cools down sufficiently but doesn’t cool down too fast. A little bit like caring for field hunters in the UK who hunt in the winter, and have the same issues with the cool down process.

The rest of the dressage riders went today in the one star and the three star. Zephyr maintained his third place at the end of today and Woody is in 14th. So third, 10th and 14th in the one, two and three star respectively going into tomorrow. I have not heard anything from Selena about the cross country courses, but no doubt I will get reports soon. Derg Boru’s owner Megan Woods is the BEST for taking photos and videos that I can add to the blog. Thank you Megan for these great photos of him in the dressage ring yesterday.

Jessica Phoenix went into dressage late in the day and showed them all how to do it by being the only horse/rider combination to break into the thirties! Selena and Jess have been on teams together since they were young riders and we are huge supporters. If, on the day, you can’t finish in first place yourself, then having your team member in first place is the next best thing. Yay Jessica and Pavarotti…woohoo!

The riders here at home are having a hard time finding things to do indoors. It’s hard to extoll the merits of indoor riding (mirrors, square corners with support, lots of circles and turns) when you have been stuck in there for several months. Because of their upcoming competition program, some of the horses HAVE to be ridden outside whether it’s snowing or not, and I watch them from my nice warm house and feel guilty…and warm… LOL