I’ve been getting emails from a few people who are wondering where I’ve gone. I haven’t gone anywhere, but I had hoped that the ‘books’ I wrote on the GDF would have kept you hounds at bay. No such luck, apparently. There is much going on in Canada-land right now for me to share, and the FEI General Assembly meeting marathon gets under way next week. If you fancy some online drone-festing, the GA will be available for live viewing via streaming video. That is if they have worked out the glitches from last year, where they ended up streaming only audio and we couldn’t see all those bald guys talking.

Please, please cheer up; I’ll have plenty to write next week, and no I haven’t forgotten my promise to finish off my impressions of the GDF. I noticed the judges have been giving David Stickland plenty of ‘combination-bias’ and ‘deviant’ material in Brazil and Toronto. More on that too. And if you still don’t have enough imagination to browse somewhere else until I do a full-on posting, have a look at my pick for number-one-most-inspiring-video-ever from Canada’s (cooler) answer to Jon Stewart, Rick Mercer – I mean the part where he bungy jumps with paraplegic Canadian hero, Man in Motion Rick Hanson:


Ps: for you Americans who don’t know how long a kilometer is – Rick Hanson went 25,000 miles in his wheelchair in his awareness and fundraising campaign in 1984.

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Pss: almost forgot to point out a comment that our DC flagbearer from the west posted on myblog a few weeks ago. He posted it on one of my older entries, so in the interest of making sure EVERYONE reads his pearls of wisdom, here is what Ali Buchanan (who was Canada’s dressage chef d’equipe in Hong Kong) wrote:

 America’s loss of Robert Dover as their new US Team Coach is a HUGE GAIN for Dressage in Canada.

If DCB had acted with common sense 18 months ago on the 2008 Senior High Performance Committee’s written recommendation…and hired Robert at that time to coach the Olympic Team as OG Team Members requested….we may be 18 months ahead of the game. Instead DCB dismissed the Senior High Performance Committee with no reason and took 18 months to reach the same recommended decision. I don’t get it.
O Well…that is now history… along with those dismissed and discouraged volunteer Dressage Canada Committee Members.
O Canada…there is much work to be done before we rest. Will we ever REALLY…HONESTLY…Own The Podium? 
Robert says “YES WE CAN”…He loves Obama! I Want to believe and hope!

I pledged to join Robert’s crusade trying to make a positive difference moving forward.

Robert Dover is truly an Olympic inspiration, an excellent leader, and a spark that re-ignites passion for the sport in many Athletes, Coaches, Judges and Youth. Dressage Canada must move forward… not backwards making the same mistakes over again.
May the force be with you Robert…

     O Canada …YES WE CAN !