I think David Marcus needs a nickname, and I’m voting for Rainmaker. In a spooky repeat of London 2012, the skies opened up with renewed fury just as he was about to begin his test this afternoon. But if David needs a second nick name it’s got to be Nerves of Steel. The déjà vu was simply impossible to ignore, even for David, who admitted after his ride that he was uncharacteristically nervous today. So was I! Thank goodness the weather repeat was not followed by a performance repeat from London. Capital looked completely happy and at home in the stadium, and other than a break in one extended trot the test was lovely. David’s 70 plus-a-bit is a welcome addition to Karen’s score this morning. No, Canada is not going to medal here. We know that. But even at the half way point it looks as though our riders and horses will deliver the highest group of scores ever for Canada’s Dressage Team, and that’s something to cheer about, don’t you think?

Wet, wet, wet, but nary a naughty horse in sight

Wet, wet, wet, but nary a naughty horse in sight

Guess what they’re trying to feed us here in one of the greatest culinary nations on earth. Hot dogs! and not just ordinary hot dogs either, but anemic boiled specimens in stale buns, along with an enticing selection of traditional French condiments such as ketchup and livid yellow mustard. No Dijon for us, no way.  I know the French wanted to outdo Kentucky, but I’d just as soon they didn’t try to top the last WEG for lousiest food situation.

You can't fool me with your 'moutarde'. It's the same yellow crap we have at home.

You can’t fool me with your ‘moutarde’. It’s the same yellow crap we have at home.

I really thought this WEG was perhaps going to finally top Jerez 2002, which  has stood out for me as the best WEG I’ve ever been to from a cultural/experiential perspective. Not only is Normandy not topping the lot, so far it’s coming in dead last. The sport is of course not compromised by awful opening ceremonies or a dearth of French deliciousness, and I am right this minute enjoying the light and elegant moves of Minna Telde’s adorable Santana.

Now if we can just lose the wet stuff and take our layers off, I might be able to start enjoying myself. Let’s hope the scene at today’s ring during the break, of people tamping down the muck and puddles, is the last we see of water ballet at this WEG.

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A demain!