As much as he loves the open road, Chorizo was happy to be finally digging his claws into home sand this weekend. One thing about an eight week trip, it makes you happy to be home in a way that a ten day whirlwind tour can’t.

The horse world certainly hasn’t been waiting on me. I’ve a list of questions as long as my arm for the folks at EC. Topping my list are:

what the voter turn out was on the bylaws (since it wasn’t mentioned in the press release about the bylaws passing I’m going to bet my prediction that the numbers would be lousy was correct);

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why I’m not receiving important EC announcements, such as the October 2 report on the Eventing summit that appears to have  been sent to absolutely no members or media, and hasn’t been posted on the EC site that I can find, but somehow managed to sneak out the door to at least one obscure mailbox. I don’t know who crafted this fine document, but the person would be well advised to sit in the back of an English 8 class to learn about incomplete sentences;

what gives with the sudden appearance of a ‘performance analyst’ on EC’s payroll? Did this go out to tender? Where is the salary coming from in EC’s budget? What exactly is this person’s actual role? It seems to me EC has gone from zero to top heavy on the high performance front.

Those are just a few of the items I’ll be sniffing out over the next little while. In the meantime, here is a bit more of Chorizo on the beach, this time using the slow motion feature on my iPhone. If you are wondering what the sound like a Tibetan gong is (as I did), it’s the sound of Chorizo’s dog tag.

I’d like to thank you all for humouring me as I made my dog the main attraction of this blog over the past two months. Now back to the muck raking!