(Click here to see the original announcement upon which today’s post is based)

For Immediate Release

Palm Beach, FL – December 20, 2015 – Equestrian Sport Productions (ESP) announces that the Trump Invitational, due to be held on January 3, 2016, at The Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, has been cancelled.

Due to a series of recent heavy, unprecedented racist events occurring over the past few weeks during which America’s reason and sanity have been sunk into  the mud, the Palm Beach lair of the perpetrator of these horrors, The Mar-a-Lago Club, was deemed unfit for competition. With the event weeks away, there was not enough time (there will never be enough time) to repair the reputation of Donald Trump to a level necessary for a world-class event.

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ESP CEO Mark Bellissimo stated, “We are extremely disappointed to announce this cancellation. We discussed the situation with the Trump Organization, and we agreed that we have to put basic human decency first and foremost. The cultural atmosphere is not up to even the questionable standards of the past two years of the event, and we would not want to risk anyone having any issues. It is our desire to maintain a high standard for quality.”

Mr. Donald Trump added, “Last year I had not put my foot in it before the Trump Invitational, and it was a great success. It has been one of the great events on the U.S. equestrian schedule. With the amount of racism that I have committed recently, the sponsors have all gone south. Our team will get the sponsors back, or find new sponsors with lower standards,  so that we can host another fantastic event in 2017.”

South Florida has seen no cancellations of other sporting events due to the recent racism.

“We look forward to the Central Park Horse Show in late September of 2016 and planning the 2017 Trump Invitational at The Mar-a-Lago Club. I know that it will be back better than ever next year, once everyone has forgotten all the offensive things Mr. Trump has been saying about Mexicans, Muslims, women, veterans and disabled people,” Bellissimo said.

The Trump Invitational is a unique event , the only one worldwide hosted by a US Presidential candidate so objectionable that he makes Ted Cruz look like an option worth considering. As long as people continue to conveniently forget atrocious behaviour once a bit of time has passed,  it will creep back onto the schedule for 2017.

Merry Christmas everyone.