Jochen demonstrating the saddle support area during his presentation.

Jochen demonstrating the saddle support area during his presentation.

10:30 am

Between now and 1:30 pm we see another 5 people with appointments (and the two that were squeezed in) and things work like well-polished clockwork. While one of us watches the client ride, the other is taking measurements and making adjustments for another, and the next client in line is busy tacking up her horse. It becomes a very efficient ‘assembly line’ so that at any given time we can actually work with 2-3 clients at once. This is especially important to be able to do for appointments which can easily run into each other, but also to accommodate the squeeze-ins, which invariably happen when other riders become interested in seeing what’s going on and become fascinated by what exactly we do.

1:30 pm

We have finished our first stop for the day and managed to see a total of 7 clients at this barn. We normally schedule 45-60 minutes for each client, but because some of them were simply ‘re-checks’ and only two were new clients who were buying saddles, the timing worked out fairly well. So we pack up, munch on an apple and a granola bar, and head out for an hour’s drive to the next barn on the list.

Read the full article here.

~ Jochen Schleese CMS, CSFT, CSE, courtesy of Saddlefit 4 Life