Sometimes, for various reasons, the hormones get out of balance so that the horse is producing either too many or not enough.
Diarrhea may be the main symptom of many potentially dangerous conditions such as infections, parasite overloads, and toxins.
No matter what you call it, exertional rhabdomyolysis (a.k.a. tying up) can be an alarming condition.
Veterinarians are adding new stem cell therapies to their arsenal for these problematic tendon injuries – with promising outcomes.
Cancer is defined as the uncontrolled growth of cells that develop into masses, tumours, which invade healthy tissue and release chemicals into the body.
New research is helping us understand more about protecting this vital organ in competitive equines.
Sepsis is an extreme systemic inflammatory response which develops when a foal becomes infiltrated with bacteria and infection spreads unchecked.
This deadly and tenacious multi-species disease continues to pop up around the planet.
If you see some of the signs of depression in your horse, what can you do? The first step, both Fureix and Mason agree, is to have your vet check the animal
Learn about the increasing problem of drug-resistant parasites.