87 stables and 1,199 school horses will get a cut of the fund ... and did you know that the most common name for a lesson horse/pony is Penny?
The $1,000 bursaries for 14-17-year-olds are to be used for riding lessons, show fees, continuing education and other learning opportunities.
A July 20th letter from Ontario Equestrian to its members asks that all review the official government document and continue to protect themselves.
As the Province begins to reopen businesses, Ontario Equestrian has been working to advocate for the equine sector to be in the first phase of opening.
"For The Herd" is OE's current initiative during this COVID-19 pandemic and a provincial fundraising initiative will launch on Friday, April 24.
After seeking legal advise, Ontario Equestrian advises that riding facilities are among those required to close to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Ontario Equestrian’s new training program, GRIT (Great Rider Intensive Training), is underway, with its first group of Olympic hopeful athletes.
Equestrian Canada has amended their officials guidelines to permit all levels of EC national officials to work at and support Provincial Level Competitions.
Ontario Equestrian congratulates the 2018 Youth Bursary recipients: Delenn Kershaw, Aislin Osborne, Dayna Rachkowski, Krista Strade and Alexis Vahey.
Get funding through The Quest for Gold: Ontario Athlete Assistance Program, available from the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport.