Tiffany Foster will serve as Vice President. Elected to the NARG board in 2015 Tiffany has shown incredible insight and delivered well-informed solutions
The North American Riders Group (NARG) has released their Top 24 in 2014 list, and once again, Spruce Meadows holds the top spot. Four more Canadian shows made the list, including Thunderbird in second place; the Royal in fifth (as the top indoor show); the brand new Royal West in 11th and Rocky Mountain Show […]
The North American Riders Group has selected Julie Welles as the recipient of the 2015 NARG Riders’ Grant. Now in its fourth year, the NARG Riders’ Grant is designed to give an emerging rider, dedicated to the sport of show jumping, an opportunity to receive a boost in order to achieve goals not otherwise available […]
From now on, riders will have a unique voice in front of the International Federation for Equestrian Sports and in the world. As of the 14th of May, the two not-for-profit associations, the International Jumping Riders Club (IJRC) and the North American Riders Group, (NARG), have signed an historic letter of intent in which the […]
The North American Riders Group (NARG) announced that its board of directors has voted unanimously to focus exclusively on the sport of show jumping. NARG was formed four years ago to provide a voice for riders, trainers and owners in North America. While many of the efforts and improvements that NARG has helped bring to […]