Online Exclusives

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Size Matters

At least that’s the impression one might take away from this year’s GDF. Let me explain (it will take me today’s entire post). We saw a presentation from Patrik Kittel, in which both he and his wife Lyndal Oatley gave mounted demons
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Global Dressage Fabulousness

A few GDF impressions, things that might make you go ‘hm’: Patrik Kittel: having mentioned many of his past mentors, it wasn’t until an hour and 15 minutes into his presentation that he (briefly) mentioned the name ‘Sjef’
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Clone This!

Remember how when we came across someone we really thought was really awesome we used to say ‘I wish I could clone him/her’? Well, provided that the him or her in question is a non-human animal, now you can. Yes, cloning is everywhere aro
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Why I’m Going to the GDF

That’s the Global Dressage Forum I’m referring to, not the Global Dressage Festival. It’s a bit unfortunate that the dressage circuit in Welly World has the same initials, since it would be easy to confuse the two things, which real
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I’m Back! (kind of)

Well, strictly speaking, in a physical sense I am still in France and not at my desk at home where most of my thinking gets done. Goodness knows I haven’t done a whole lot of anything cerebral for the past few weeks. But now that I am in Paris
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Breaking News: Helmet Wins Gold Medal!

Poor Charlotte. She must be good and sick of answering questions about her decision to wear a helmet. We’re over it! Let’s just face it. Helmets are in dressage’s future, and we know why. I’ve been on the ‘hell no we won
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Off To London!

Just a quick note to let y’all know that for the next two weeks I will be posting daily either on this blog or on my Canadian blog Straight-Up from the center of our sporting universe, the London Olympics. I will board a Virgin Atlantic flight
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Don’t Be Cruel

Today’s rant, which should be read while listening to the strains of Elvis (see video below), comes to you from the very bottom of the barrel. Even though it’s a coincidence and I only realized the appropriateness of my title and choice o
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Do puppets have birthdays?

puppet: /ˈpʌpɪt/noun: a movable model of a person or animal that is typically moved either by strings controlled from above or by a hand inside it ~ Oxford English Dictionary It has come to my attention, both directly and through the Chinese Whi
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Woe Nellie

Or maybe that should read ‘whoa bellie’, as in Bellissimo.  A plague of locusts does seem to be descending upon Signor B. I can’t make a first hand report on the visuals at the new dressage facility, aka Equestrian Village (without