Online Exclusives

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Bob Margolis, Part 2

Before I share with you the remainder of my interview I would like to take the opportunity to thank Michael Stone for leaving a comment yesterday. It seems not many people are prepared put a name to an opinion on this matter, though the activity on H
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Exclusive Bob Margolis Interview: Part 1

The interview I conducted last weekend with Mayor Margolis is so long I know that only the most dedicated followers of current affairs in Welly World would get more than half way through. So here is the first part; the second half will be posted arou
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It’s coming, it really is!

Holy hannah that was a long interview I did with Welly’s mayor. It will be up in its gigantic glory on this blog tomorrow morning – morning west coast slacker time that is.  Some of you will think I’ve put something good in your Ch
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Waist deep in Welly Waters

I said I’d wade in, and now I can report that I have. I estimate I’m about up to my belly button, which is not so deep that I am in danger of drowning, unless someone ties a rock around my neck and gives me a good shove. Yesterday I spent
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Intellectual Property Theft

This blog is usually reserved for my own ruminations and opinionations, but I do make exceptions on a need-to-share basis. The press release below represents a point of view with which I sympathize, to the degree that I will in no way be attending, s
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In a (Welly) World of Trouble

Boy that didn’t take long. I hadn’t been here 24 hours before I found myself being chased by a security guard at the Global Dressage Festival site, aka the Equestrian Village. Or rather, being chased off. It was my first day here in Welly
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Breaking Ban

It’s now a couple of days since I received answers to the questions I shared on my last post. Lightening fast, even for the FEI. If I can be relied on to do my time zone math correctly, Lisa Lazarus (she’s the FEI’s biggest little l
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GDF 2013, Mark Your Calendars!

As much as I enjoyed the (one, the only, beware of imitations!) Global Dressage Forum this year, there was one thing that disappointed me: the meager number of North Americans who hopped on a plane to attend it. I was the ONLY Canadian on their regis
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Down Under Weighs In

Much to my delight and unsurprise, Equine Behaviourist Andrew McLean gave me the go ahead to post the response he sent to David Stickland’s ‘beg to differ’ message that I posted a couple of days ago.  Without further delay, here it
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The PETA Post

A few days ago I posted some reflections from the mounted demos at the GDF. I thought I went sufficiently far out of my way to explain that my thoughts were based on observation, that they were my own, and that they in no way constituted a criticism