Online Exclusives

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Racing, the next FEI Discipline?

Racing: the domain of rich people in silly hats Way back in her first term as FEI Prez, I remember hearing HRH Princess Haya mention that the disciplines of racing and polo were on her radar as potential future FEI family members. Because WEG isnR
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They eat birds’ nests you know

They’ll eat anything in China. But apparently the people of Beijing will be holding off on the horse, at least until a bunch of top European show jumpers have done their best (or worst) on borrowed equines in the Olympic Bird’s Nest stadi
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Dressage Rock Star 101

Are you a lower level dressage rider with lots of cash, plenty of time and an insatiable appetite for blue ribbons? Waste not one moment! Load up the rig, wrap up your horses’ legs, and head for the Global Dressage Festival, a virtual pot of go
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ESP Unplugged

I know I promised a couple of weeks ago that I would leave the drama of Welly World alone until something actually newsworthy (as opposed to gossipworthy) happened. I should have qualified that promise so that it didn’t conflict with my previou
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Black and Blue

Not to worry, today’s headline is not in reference to me. I have not been hauled off and beaten behind the barn by any of the several parties who might feel tempted to knock my teeth out. No, I’m talking about the sport of Eventing, which
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Further Endurance Sinning

If you read yesterday’s post, you may recall that one of the UAE Endurance Sinners has an extra long suspension, partly due to the  fact that while he was provisionally suspended he continued to attend FEI sanctioned endurance races. He didn&#
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Well, Well, Welly

This place does me in every time. I’m exhausted after just ten days in Welly World. I used to wonder why the dressage crowd down here always seemed so scatter brained, and after a few years of visiting the place at the height of the season,  I
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Break on through to the other side

I think I might finally be getting somewhere near the middle of the teeter totter. Yesterday I was received with both grace and openness by Michael Stone and Mark Bellissimo at the WEF grounds, where I was taken on a tour by golf cart and then car of
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Freestyle Redemption

Thank goodness for the second half of the WDM freestyle competition. I don’t believe in DQ gods, so my prayer of last night’s post was made with absolutely no faith that an omniscient entity would intervene on my (and the horses’) b
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A Crisismas Carol

Do you know what people in Welly World give each other for Christmas? Lawsuits!  Just look at the latest round of stocking stuffers revealed in the local rag,  aka The Palm Beach Post. Let’s see what was hidden under the holiday palm tree ove