Online Exclusives

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The Roller Coaster Ride Begins

You know how roller coasters start with that agonizingly slow climb, followed by immense, gut-dropping acceleration? One might be tempted to see a parallel with what’s going on in the world of the FEI Prez and her husband, Sheikh Mohammed. Here
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Follow the Yellow Brick Road

I’m off to see the Wizards, The wonderful Wizards of dressage. Isabell Werth is a whiz of a wiz, if ever a wiz there was. If ever, oh ever a wiz there was, Kyra Kyklund is one because Because, because, because, because, because Because of the w
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Epic Fail

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I would be closely watching the European Championships in Herning via FEI TV, but something got in my way and I found myself on a plane bound for Paris last week instead of setting my alarm for 3 am to watch the Dress
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What is it with those Swedes and Danes, anyway? Earlier this week I wrote my column for issue #5 of Horse Sport International. As is frequently the case when I write articles that seek to dig out the kernel of a controversy, I was left with some musi
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I’d been hearing the rumor for some time, and finally last week the news became official: Mark Bellissimo has bought Chronicle of the Horse. Actually, the official press release stated that the Bellissimo family bought the magazine, suggestin
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Welcome to Nerdsville

I’m not sure what process I have to initiate in order to propose a name change for Wellington, but now that Bill Gates has coughed up 8.7 million green backs for a home there, I can just see the writing on the Windows tablet.  It’s only
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The Welly World Peace Treaty

From Wikipedia – A peace treaty is an agreement between two or more hostile parties, usually countries or governments, which formally ends a state of war between the parties. It is different from an armistice, which is an agreement to stop
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Follow Me…

To Bromont! I will be there for the CCI3* (Canada’s only one, eh?) this coming week. Since it’s a Canadian event, most of my posts from there will be on my Canuck blog, Straight-Up; so please head on over there if you want to stay up on t
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Would you like some cheese with that whine?

I’m not sure what shocks me more about the Telegraph’s latest tale of doping woe that continues to follow Sheikh Mohammed around like a bad smell. Is it the photo showing the Queen dressed like a babushka or is it the sob story headline,
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The Drug Plot Thickens

If you didn’t see my post from last week, you might want to take a wander back there before reading today’s, which is an update to the  story I wrote about last week, a story that is getting weirder by the minute. First of all, I’d