Online Exclusives

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Christmas Well-Wishes

Over the next two weeks, I’ll be off more than on-line, as I expect most of you will be too. Wishing you all, and especially your beloved animals, the happiest of holiday seasons. And yes, Merry Christmas too! I leave you with a touching video
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The Hangover, Part III

Yes, it’s more than a month since the FEI GA began to fade in our rear view mirrors, but I still can’t get the thing out of my mind. Here are a few lingering aftertastes that no amount of brain Listerine seems to be able to dissolve: 1. H
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Jock Jam

It sucks to be Jock Paget these days. Not only does he face the battle to prove himself innocent to the FEI Tribunal (the B sample tested positive according to a statement from the NZ federation yesterday), but he has to somehow hang onto his status
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The Hangover 2

One factor I failed to appreciate when I headed to Switzerland this fall, was that attending the FEI GA would entail a recovery period of unpredictable length. I would like to recommend that the welcome package for the GA include the following warnin
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Pippa Cuckson Guest Blogger!

Today, dear readers, a very special treat. I am delighted to share with you the ruminations of journalist extraordinaire, Pippa Cuckson. I’m even more delighted to read her post and realize that she and I are on exactly the same page when it co
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I’m not even in Switzerland yet, and the FEI is already making my blood boil. The issue is of great concern to my Canadian readers, so I’ve posted this saga-before-the-saga over on Straight-Up, which you can reach by clicking here. I̵
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GDF Lite (Day Two)

**Note to readers: I wrote this post on my flight from Amsterdam to Toronto on Thursday, but between the flying (no wifi on KLM flights yet), the weather, Toronto’s epic traffic and my schedule doing work in my ‘other’ career, dress
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Bright Lights and Dim Bulbs: GDF Day One

As is always the case with DQ Land’s annual international shindig, there was the good, the bad and the ugly this year, and none of it (well, almost none) was boring. I thought I would introduce an emoticon-based system of rating the presentatio
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Global Jammin’

Well, here I am on the eve of the Global Dressage Forum (the real one, not that ersatz imitator in FL), and I’m as excited as I’ve ever been to be attending once again. If you are not cut of DQ cloth, you might wonder what the  big deal
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More Wizzy Wizards!

A few weeks ago I wrote about the exciting roster for this year’s Global Dressage Forum. In that post, I speculated that there would be some last minute announcements about presentations  added to the program in the final weeks. Not only was I