Online Exclusives

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(Middle) East Bound and Down

Susan Stafford-Pooley, Horse Sport magazine’s managing editor, reports from CHI Al Shaqab in Qatar,  a unique six-day event of Jumping, Dressage, Para-Dressage, Endurance and Vaulting: And so begins the saga of my second trip to Qatar fo
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Easy Does It

Terry Peiper is one of the first of our trained Saddle Ergonomists from 2011, working in Pennsylvania. She works mainly with western saddles, but has been trained in analysis and adjustment for English saddles as well. I have invited her to talk abo
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Why Do We Do It?

Valentine’s weekend we were at the Rocking Horse Event. Leslie and I were having a great time. All of our horses have come out swinging this year (probably cursing myself) and on day one after some dressage and show jumping most of our horses were
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Shut Up and Vote

Wake up people! It’s D-Day. Today is your last chance to register to vote on the EC Bylaws, and Thursday the 26th (yes, that’s the day after  tomorrow) the last day to actually cast your vote. I voted on Friday before posting my ‘t
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Saddle Fit and Saddle Straightness

When I have the saddle on the horse, the tree fits, the panels are leveled, the rider is sitting in balance on both her seat bones, so statically everything looks ok. Then the horse starts moving. The saddle does what is has to do – it stays in pla
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The EC Bylaw Vote: What’s Really at Stake

When I received the February 10, 2015 Equine Canada announcement that my vote was being sought on new bylaws, my first thought was that I should attempt to understand what impact these bylaws would have on me individually. When I received an announce
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A Sad But True Story

To follow is a sad, but all too common story from my own experiences… I want to tell you about a horse I met recently; a personal encounter that, unfortunately, is not uncommon in the hundreds and thousands that I work with during the course of
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Boning up on Bylaws

I’m going to be spending the next couple of days working on an online article to be published later next week on (don’t worry, I’ll be sure to put a link here on the blog as soon as it’s up so you don’t
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Crisis Mis-Management

Two weeks after the Al Reef double fracture scandal, the FEI president has finally managed to say something, in this email today to national federations, a cut-and-paste embellishment of something sent to the many individuals and groups who have alre