Online Exclusives

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The First Ride!

Well today was the big day. Selena rode both the OTTBs for the first time. Neither of them could have cared less. Benny, the four-year-old, had not been ridden since the end of last September, Rummy who is now five, finished racing in October and was
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Another Busy Day

Another busy day at the barn. I don’t know why we always seem to be functioning flat out. I keep waiting for things to ‘settle down.’ I think I am just kidding myself. I got the go ahead to stand up today! My knee surgery (second one) is crampi
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Making Ready for Florida

Today was lovely because Woody’s owners came to visit. It is always a good day when John and Judy Rumble come by. Sunday is also the day we jump everything at home…Sunday Funday as it is known. All the horses and riders take a turn at a cours
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Settling In

Today is the first bitterly cold day of the year. We are all very happy that it is a Monday and thus not a day that every horse works. However, at the high of the day, a glorious minus fifteen, a couple of horses still have to be worked, somehow, som
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Rummy’s New Routine

I said yesterday that a horseman’s life is all about problem solving and it’s SO true. So, this morning, my ‘only just recovered from Hogmanay’ staff started at some cold dark hour before 6:00 a.m. Reason? We had someone coming early
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Welcome Rummy and Benny

First day of an Olympic year. Nothing exciting in the offing today, but like stable workers the world over, most of us are moving slowly this morning. Horsey folk tend to be early to bed and early to rise, and on those celebrated occasions when they
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Fitting Wide Horses

Happy New Year, and welcome back! I hope you all had the chance to spend some time with family and friends and your horses over the holidays and wish you all a very happy, healthy and successful 2016. One of the questions I am often asked by my femal
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Surviving the Holidays

Happy New Year! Phew. Is it just me or are there other people out there that feel as if they’ve just survived a 10km mud race after the holidays pass by? All the ads will have you believe that the holidays are about putting one’s feet up and drin
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Looking Back on 2015

This is going to be my last communication with you before the New Year; we have been lucky enough to renew our relationship with and, as such, either I or Sabine will be continuing with the blog (we may alternate a little more going